Development of an E-learning module to train rehabilitation professionals in working with the Skills for Growing Up (Groei-wijzer). (Erasmus MC, Rijndam Rehabilitation Institute and University Medical Center Groningen)
Development of Take Care, a tool for parents of children with chronic conditions to maintain extra-parent roles. (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
Long-term consequences of Cerebral Palsy, a 14-year longitudinal study to evaluate changes in (perceived) health, functional level and employment in adults with CP. Development of patient information infographic and a course for healthcare providers. (Erasmus MC, Rijndam Rehabilitation Institute, BOSK and Sophia Rehabilitation)
Development and evaluation of the Dutch version of the Skills for Growing Up in paediatric epilepsy care (Epilepsie Groei-wijzer). (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and Kempenhaeghe Expertise for Epileptology, Sleep Medicine and Neurocognition)
Multi-centre effectiveness study on a group program to enhance work participation of young adults with chronic disabilities (TraJect). (Erasmus MC and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
National implementation of the Dutch version of the Skills for Growing Up in Rehabilitation (Groei-wijzer). (Erasmus MC and University Medical Center Groningen)
Transition Network to improve rehabilitation care for youth and young adults (TransitieNet). (Erasmus MC)
Self-management & Participation Lab (SPIL); development of diagnosis-specific Dutch versions of the Skills for Growing Up (Nier Groei-wijzer, CF Groei-wijzer, Virus Groei-wijzer). (Rotterdam University)
Pilot implementation of a group program to promote sexual health in adolescents and young adults in rehabilitation (VVV). (Erasmus MC and Sophia Rehabilitation)
Pilot implementation of a group program to enhance work participation of young adults with chronic disabilities (TraJect). (Erasmus MC and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
Development and pilot testing of the Dutch version of the Skills for Growing Up in paediatric rehabilitation (Groei-wijzer). (Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Groningen, Blixembosch Rehabilitation, Mytylschool Eindhoven and BOSK)
Randomized controlled trial of an intervention to support smokers to quit smoking in dental practice (TAPS). (IQ Healthcare)
An Evidence-based Electronic Archive of Instruments for Assessing Health Outcomes in Asthma and COPD Research (ELEVATE). (IQ Healthcare)
Randomized controlled trial of an intervention to support COPD smokers to quit smoking in general practice (SMOCC). (IQ Healthcare)